
Results For Vhf Listings

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Greenland EME DXpedition

Moonbounce from Greenland 29 May - 5 June 2000.


Discussion of ionoscatter on 50 and 144 MHz by Palle Preben-Hansen, OZ1RH.

CQ Six – 50MHz DX News

Bj?rn "Matt" Madsen, OZ6OM provides 50 MHz news, QSP and photos.


Pictures and projects from 144 MHz up to 76 GHz. The Netherlands.

Rhode Island Swap And Sell Net

A place to sell and swap amateur radio related items and list announcements and bulletins.

OE5JFL EME Moonbounce on VHF and UHF

Radio operator in Austria provides photos and details of his shack and history in the hobby, on 2m,


Features projects including a W2IMU feedhorn for 2.4 GHz and short yagis for 2 metres on an Az-El mo

VE2PIJ VHF+ Weak Signal Site

Grid square list, VHF/UHF contest calendar, QSO Party results, and grid square maps.


Includes interests, club activities, project and QSL card. [English and French]


Fred Lesnick describes his interests and provides links.