
Results For Vhf Listings

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VO1PWF Ham Radio Software

A collection of Linux, Windows and PHP ham radio applications for antenna design, ham radio calculat

EME, SETI, Radio Astronomy, DSP and Radi

Covers information about amateur radio weak signal applications.

W3SZ SDR/DSP and VHF Radio Site

Features articles on EME, and audio files. Also includes a resource page for use of DSP and SDR tech

Chris van Gorp PA7RHM

UIView32 add-ons, APRS, Winlink 2000 and other software.

Southern Ontario Packet Radio Associatio

Official site. Features details on the packet nodes and services provided by the organization to the


Information about the station of Martin Reiter. In addition to shack specs, there is content coverin


Janne Pulkkinenshares information about his shack and homebrew projects. Turku, Finland.

OZ4VV / 5P5V

Features articles on topics such as troposcatter and transequatorial propagation or TEP, photos and


Jan shares his ideas on local QRM and noise reduction.


Amateur in the Netherlands provides a profile, hamshack details with photos and DXCC and ODX.