
Results For Vhf Listings

See Filters


Rtty, cw, Pactor, Packet, SSTV, QRP and projects.


John's page includes a biography and hamshack equipment details. Netherlands.

Todd Emslie’s TV FM DX Site

Australian page featuring 45-108 MHz VHF DX via Es, multi-hop sporadic E, TEP, and F2 propagation.

Contesting.com Ham Radio Mailing Lists

Features archive of contest results with category and callsign, as well as other ham radio mailing l

Meteors, MS Computers and Radio Amateurs

W6/PA0ZN includes information and software for HSCW and MS_DSP (Meteor Scatter using Digital Signal


Features beacon map, QSL gallery and log, plus audio samples.


Information on amateur radio in Maritime Canada. Includes repeater lists, club, packet, APRS and res


Vince shares a gallery of his QSL cards, some personal information, projects, mike and data plug dia

The Four Metres Web Site

Information about the 4m or 70MHz band. This band is allocated in the United Kingdom, and a number o

EME and VHF DXing

Introduction to Earth-Moon-Earth (EME) communications, moon tracking software, 6m filters, 6m antenn