
Results For Meteorscatter Listings

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Meteors, MS Computers and Radio Amateurs

W6/PA0ZN includes information and software for HSCW and MS_DSP (Meteor Scatter using Digital Signal

KR5J: Meteor Sounds

Recordings taken of meteor reflections of video carriers received in the Colorado Springs area.

FISTS CW Club Code Buddy Program

Improve your CW ability or volunteer to help others as an on the air CW Elmer or student.


John presents some theory and practical information on using AM.

WA9WFA – Classic Ham Radio and Nat

Classic Ham Radio and National SW-3 - Photos and information on a number of vintage transmitters and


Meteor scatter on HF and VHF bands by YO2NAA. Includes audio files and photos.


High speed CW meteor scatter information and resources.


Antenna software that supports loggers, DX cluster clients, satellites and moon trackers.


he club's main activity is in VHF/UHF/SHF, contests, MS, EME and microwave. Includes map that shows

WA5CMI Mike Cowart

Mike shows us his restored Globe King and his other AM rigs.