
Results For Dxing Listings

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VK3ASE: One Sixty Meter AM Crossband Rad

AM station described. Also, learn how to convert AM broadcast radios to receive one sixty meters.

PSK31 Software

PSK31 software, mailing lists, information and links.

DX World.net

Provides DX news, guest posts, images and movies.


Real-time spotting of contacts on various frequencies including TV, FM and SW.


Provides propagation reports, DX logs using search engine and IRC #CQDX Ham Radio Chat.


Rtty, cw, Pactor, Packet, SSTV, QRP and projects.


Information about DXpeditions and contest trips. Also includes log searches and pictures.

Todd Emslie’s TV FM DX Site

Australian page featuring 45-108 MHz VHF DX via Es, multi-hop sporadic E, TEP, and F2 propagation.


John's page includes a biography and hamshack equipment details. Netherlands.

Radiowave Propagation Center

Solar and terrestrial information (live, and historic), used for radio science, earth science, and r