
Results For Boatanchors Listings

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OscarDelta IP Packet Radio

Packet radio software to provide TCP/IP communications for ham radio operators.

Software Defined Radio (SDR)

Open source hardware and software project to use software defined radio for amateur radio (HAM).

Virtual Museum of Collins Radios

A collection of classic and military Collins radios, each with pictures and specifications.

S51RM and S53RM

Information resource for S5-PSK 1.2 Mbps BPSK packet radio station for 23 and 13cm (and 9cm), S5-70W

Morse Code and Phonetic Alphabets

Includes Java and CGI translators, alphabets, and FAQs.

Norman Hams and KB5DOH

KB5DOH provides an online meeting place for hams in the Norman, Oklahoma area.


WA4KCY's list of AM resources. Includes pictures and a list of southeastern USA hamfests.


Leigh in Palo Alto, California shares ham shack photos and description, PSK31 presentation and card

Bill Wilkinson’s Heath Company

A lot of great history and articles about the Heath company and their products.